In this article I want to show how you can encourage the customer to spend a bit more in your store and receive a free delivery option in return. You can set up a free delivery option point based on the number of items customer is buying, type of the product and number of different conditions that fit you sales strategy. This scenario can be easily implemented by business users.
Short description:
This scenario will display the banner with information about the free delivery option to all customers that have in the cart products of the value reaching 50GBP. This banner will be displayed on the the checkout/cart page.
In order to achieve the objective , we will have to build one short event based scenario in RonweCXM for Magento
1.Create the scenario that will display a banner with the information about reaching free delivery option point.
Follow the steps below
In this step we will create a scenario that displays banner with the information about free delivery option when customer visits checkout/cart page.
1. Go to Magento Admin Console
2. Select RonweCXM > Scenarios and the click on Add New. The Scenario panel should be visible
4. We want to be able to show the banner as user visit different pages of the site. In our case it will be Checkout page. From the drop down list we select PageVisit. In the next step we will restrict with the condition element our banner so it appears only on the Checkout page when the total value of item in the cart is equal or grater then 45GBP and less then 50.
5. Click Continue. Enter the name and description, in our case Free delivery reminder. Click on the condition tab that is visible on the left hand tab.
6. Click on the plus sign on the Conditions Panel and choose Current Cart > Subtotal, set the condition to equals or greater than 45 from the drop down. This condition will restrict the banner to customer who already have in cart items that value is greater or equal than 45
7. Add another Condition under Current Cart. Click on Subtotal set the condition to less than 50.This condition will restrict the banner to customer that have in cart items that value is less than 50GBP
8. Add another Condition. Select To Page, set the condition to contains and use the page name on which we want to show the banner. In this case it will be checkout page
9. Move to the tab Actions and add one action.
Click Add Action. Select ShowBannerAction that will display banner on the page
Name > Static > “Free Delivery !”
Position > Static > Top of main content. The banner will show on the top of the page.
Content > Static > “You’re so close! Free delivery is available if you spend 50GBP or more. Why not treat yourself with something extra and earn free delivery?”
That finalizes the business scenario. Remember to save the changes