Take care of a newbie customer
How many times were you overwhelmed by the number of options you can choose from when you decided to start an adventure with new hobby or a sport. Most of the time we spend a lot of time on trying to find out what kind of gear is best for us to start with.
Although most of the sites provide extensive information on the items they sell, they don’t really provide beginners with simple answers regarding what they should start with. Customers have to put together all the information almost like a jigsaw puzzles which sometimes put them away from the store.
If you could engage into conversation, especially with the customer who doesn’t know much about the items he wants to buy, you could win his loyalty for a very long time. Customers who know exactly what to buy might shop around but the customer who is advised and pointed in the right direction by you will make your online store truly stand out. That can translate directly into better social marketing, increased loyalty and increased average value of transaction.
Once you committed to guide customer there is a couple of different scenarios you could use to build his confidence and buy from you.
For the purpose of this article we would use Jessie as a dummy customer who has just started her adventure with windsurfing and is our potential customer.
There are number of ways you can win Jessie but the most important is what you gonna show to Jessie when she lands on your site for the first time. We listed some of the options below:
1. Instead of showing multiple promotional banners telling about newsletter, special promotions or gear information we show one banner with simple message like
“We help our customers to fulfill their dreams with the link to chat with expert”
That message itself can reduce bounce rate and help you to engage with customer
2. Alternatively we can show a link ‘Quick guide for the beginners’ which redirects to the site with all the information that those who learn windsurfing are looking for.
In the same place we can present Jessie with the list of necessary equipment like wet suits, boards and sails with description how to find the best fit. At the same time we should use all available information like geolocation and season to find the most comfortable wet suit for Jessie that is shopping from another part of the world. By doing this we increase relevance of our offering which increases the likelihood that Jessie would buy from us.
If we want to give Jessie an incentive to buy from us, we can place the information that if she subscribes to the newsletter she will get an extra 10% off. It makes sense to add this information when customer knows what they want to buy.
3. We need to be able to memorise what kind factors Jessie will take into account while shopping. If she looked at the reviews we can add a tag “Reviews” or “Social Proof”. If she looks at the Sale category we add a tag “Price Aware”. We need to process all that information and show to Jessie only relevant items. They have to have good reviews and attractive price. That’s how you can personalize Jessie experience and convert her into customer.
Based on the above you can personalise all the products and content you will show to Jessie. Instead of showing her long list of available products you can narrow it down to three products. They should also meet the tagging criteria to best suit customer preferences.
All the informative content that you show to Jessie should follow the same principle. It should be relevant. Jessie is the beginner so the content should revolve around windsurfing for beginners. If users subscribes to our newsletter we should keep in mind what their interests are. Otherwise the email even with the most attractive offerings will end up in the trash.
If you would like to find out more about above or implement some of the scenarios, please contacts us. We can provide free consultancy and help you to increase sales by implementing some of the techniques described above.